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Heather Kobasic

Writing Portfolio


About Me

New Release

Hey there! I'm Heather Kobasic, a student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. I was born and raised in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and moved down here in 2019 for the start of my college career. I'm majoring in English and double minoring in Spanish and Writing for my undergraduate degree. City life was a huge change for me, but the experience has been one worthwhile.


I grew up spending a lot of time outdoors, especially in the woods. If you can think of it, I've probably done it: hunting, trapping, backpacking, camping, mushroom and berry foraging, hauling wood. My parents are big into living off the land.


I still enjoy ice skating and found a passion for photography in my last year of high school. I go to the gym in my spare time if I'm not going to sing karaoke or shoot some pool. I have been bartending and serving for most of my job life, though I also did retail and caregiving for the elderly. I enlisted in the Army National Guard in January of 2018 as an 88Mike.  I have a twin sister and another sister that is one year older than us. All of my immediate family still lives in the U.P.


For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed writing. Something about the ability to create a story that has never existed before feels like magic, and the ability to re-tell a story that people will want to hear feels like home. 

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